Animal Rescue: How Veterinarians Prevent Illnesses And Heal Animals

3 Important Health Benefits of Having Your Male Cat Neutered

For many cat owners, the idea of neutering their pet can seem a little cruel. However, it's something that, unless you're planning on breeding the animal, you really need to have taken care of. For starters, a male cat whose sex organs have been removed will be less aggressive, less likely to spray urine, and less likely to wander far from the home. However, there are also a number of important health benefits that come along with neutering.

Here are just three.

1. Certain Types of Cancer  

Unfortunately, it is possible for cats to develop diseases and illnesses, but you can radically reduce the likelihood of this occurring by de-sexing them at as young an age as possible. By doing so, you will eliminate the possibility of the following conditions developing:

  • Prostate Disorders: Vital for the creation of semen and the act of ejaculation, the prostate is an extremely important part of your male cat's reproductive system. Unfortunately, tumours can develop in cats that have not been neutered.
  • Perianal Tumours: The anal region of your cat can also develop tumours. Though not a common condition, any malignant tumours are often fatal since cancer can spread quickly to other parts of the body.
  • Testicular Cancer: Just like in humans, a cat's testicles can become tumorous. Unfortunately, testicular cancer is very hard to spot in a cat until it has reached advanced stages.

2. Bites and Scratches

A cat that is full of hormones is going to want to breed, meaning they will want to wander further away from your home to look for females. At the same time, all those hormones and the desire to find a mate will make them more aggressive. In short, they will be likely to meet more fellow male cats and be more likely to fight them when they do meet.

Fights between cats are very rarely fatal. As soon as one cat asserts dominance, the other will usually flee. However, those small bites and scratches can become infected, and it's possible for more vulnerable parts of the body, such as the eyes to be struck and damaged.

3. Sexually-Transmitted Conditions

If your cat does achieve its goal of mating, and this was not arranged by you in order to have them breed, there's no knowing what kind of kitty of the night they might have fallen in with. Feline AIDS is a serious issue, and, since cats very rarely wear condoms, the disease can be passed from queen to cat while they copulate.
